
Tuesday, June 14, 2011


You’ve shed thos tears and cries
Turned to me, we’ve built our ties
I’ve wipe those tears, together we rise
We’ve conquered hurdles became wise

My insecurities you’ve secured
Doubt to my lonely self you’ve cured
Confidence and esteem you’ve painstakingly procured
Shortcomings and misgivings you’ve faithfully endured.

Two hearts, we beat for one…
Two hearts that sweared never be gone
Two hearts faith binded couldn’t be undone
two hearts in love, eternity begun.

Together we proclaimed forever,
Exclaimed to everyone to let go never
To the hallway of eternity we enter
In each others loving devotion we surrender…

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Now I know

It took darkness to see
Sound of chaos to hear thee
it took a storm for sun to shine
a solace in this daze life of mine

Oh how could I’ve not hear your cries
How could i’ve not seen all your sacrifice
Uncontrolled, i’ve rolled the dice
To jeopardy i’ve lost our ties

Yor love, with regrets have flee
Your importance i’ve ignored, silly me
A greater responsibility, i could not be
Losser, quitter, acts so cowardlya

Our love seemingly became lies
But wait a whisper so wise
To know our love forever suffice
In the face of great tragedy won’t demise!

Water run dry

Hence, the water runned dry
Commence, time to cry
Draught ahead in your absence
All i could do is reminiscence
Future sounds so tense
As i dance alone in melancholiness
Gone are the smile that quench 
Here is the frown that drench
Done are the moments together
Here, sonnets of solitude gone further
Will thy heart grow fonder
Or thy heart plaque, glow harder
To live again, i must try
For the water had run dry!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


They say it's a God given gift
That can make you happy and make you sick
They say it's like a thief
That enters your heart although you forbid it.

They say it conquers everything
And the best reason why were living
But sometimes it is a dangerous thing
That leads you to temptations and sins.

Love is so wonderful
For it is the best healer when we talk of heart's wound
But everyone must be careful
For it is also the best heart breaker anytime at all.

They say it's their heart treasure
But some say it's their mind pleasure
Other say it's just an illusion
That lies in the mind of every person.

Love is like this, love is like that..
It all depends on the person who feels it
But I am only sure of just one thing
When I fall in love.. it's everlasting....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Distant Start

To where you are, a distant star
Sheer glare from a far
In the disguise of night
You’ve cleared my sight
In the cover of day
You’ve hid yourself away
How i wish you’d stay
in the duration of the day
Not in darkness alone you appear
And hear not my voice in sunshine clear
In the morning dew, ask thee, are you here?
Lost my star, i thought you are, i so fear
In my dark world you shine
in vividness, to appear, you decline
In glow and gloom, i draw thine line
For in light, you refuse to shine
And in darkness, when needed, you shine so fine
During the day, i wonder where you are
nowhere to be found my distant star
Though not seen, i know your still here, but a far
owning you my star, impossible
Dwelling in pain, i crumble
Humble myself, i dwindle
Seeing you from a far, ample..!


A faithful warrior for you please believe
A gallant duty i was relieved
By your side i protect now must leave
Sad to concieve, heartily bereaved
From your majesty, thy love, my shield weaved
Stand firm, behind thy shadow, i live

The wrath of thousand saxons endured
Sharp sword piercing my body reassured
My valiant vow for you secured
With each blood that pours a tear abjured
Exalted by your love, countless pain obscured
With the beating of thy heart, once again cured

While in battle, a new knight revealed
From my knowledged coldly concealed
By your side he stands with my love repealed
Sealed him in your heart, i gravely grieved
Your staunch warrior to dark dungeon you wheeled
Locked in coldness, my soul you seized.

Princess Warrior

Unsettling silence you’ve rendered
Chaotic peace you’ve tendered
that silly smile
that deceiving looks
one of happiness’ otherwise
in those deep eyes of thee
my humble spirit could see
a heart trap from yesterdays hollow
dwindling in tomorrows shadows
optimistic spirit lies behind thy cloak
of hopeless’ distress!
a mistress of days before
a fortress I adore
From days before, I recall
All things that I've come to fall
When all but good takes control
Its you now that directs my soul.

Beauty Inside

Undeniable beauty that lies within
A mystique that is seldom seen
Your beauty extends beyond perfection
A wonder, reaching-out to someone’s imperfection
Thy mellow voice, calming thy soul
A gentle heart, that breaks distant wall
You've touched my life, a special way
Hold my hands in turbulent day
Simple thank you may not be enough
Acts so gratitude suddenly became tough
What shall i do to please you
Known so much, with thee a few
Oh what am i ought to do
To give the world to someone like you!